We offer a wide range of programs and services to meet the needs of those affected by our cause.

We offer a wide range of programs and services to meet the needs of those affected by child abuse. We are a fully accredited Children’s Advocacy Center through the National Children’s Alliance.
As an accredited Center we adhere to the following 10 accreditation standards:
- Multidisciplinary Team Standard – A multidisciplinary team response to child abuse allegations includes representation from the following: Law enforcement, Child protective services, Prosecution, Medical, Mental Health, Victim Advocacy and the Children’s Advocacy Center
- Diversity, Equity and Access of Services Standard – The Children’s Advocacy Center provides culturally responsive services for all CAC clients throughout the duration of the case.
- Forensic Interview Standard – Forensic interviews are coordinated to avoid duplicative interviewing and are conducted in a manner that is legally sound and of a neutral, fact-finding nature.
- Victim Support and Advocacy Standard – Victim support and advocacy services are provided to all CAC clients and their respective caregivers as part of the multidisciplinary team response.
- Medical Evaluation Standard – Specialized medical evaluation and treatment services are available to all CAC clients and are coordinated as part of the multidisciplinary team response.
- Mental Health Standard – Evidence-based, trauma-focused mental health services, designed to meet the unique needs of the child and caregivers, are consistently available as part of the multidisciplinary team response.
- Case Review and Coordination Standard – A formal process in which multidisciplinary discussion and information sharing regarding the investigation, case status and services needed by the child and family is to occur on a routine basis.
- Case-Tracking Standard – Children’s Advocacy Centers must develop and implement a system for monitoring case progress and tracking outcomes for all MDT components.
- Organizational Capacity Standard – A designated legal entity responsible for program and fiscal operations has been established and implements basic sound administrative policies and procedures.
- Child Safety and Protection Standard – The CAC is comfortable, private and both physically and psychologically safe for diverse populations of children and their family members.
Our Services Are:
- Forensic Interviewing
- Victim support and advocacy
- Individual and Family Counseling
- Boys’ Counseling Group
- Girls’ Counseling Group
- Non-Offending Caregiver Support Group
- Case Review and Coordination
- Case Tracking
- Professional Education and trainings
- Community Education on Child Abuse Topics