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Teaching Kids Boundaries During the Holidays

V = Volunteer

The Child Advocacy Center is very fortunate to work with a group of volunteers who have a deep passion and commitment to the children of the community here in Cumberland County. Our volunteers do a variety of things from serving on the Board of Directors, serving on committees from Development, Marketing and The Cumberland County Community Coalition for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse. Serving on the committee does not stop there. There may be coordination of events, research, writing articles and other needs as deemed important for the needs of the CAC. 

In addition, our volunteers, will take out our community display to business fairs, informational fairs, church events and more encouraging community members to learn about what the Child Advocacy Center is doing to provide help, hope and healing to children who have been victims of child abuse. 

Volunteers come in several times throughout the year helping prepare our mailings—newsletters, invitations to fundraisers, pinwheel planting and many more. They have created a system together and know exactly how to get the project done in a timely manner. The neat thing to see is how this group of volunteers, regardless of who is able to show up that time, enjoy fellowship together as they, fold, seal, label, etc.

Webster dictionary defines a volunteer as a person who voluntarily undertakes or expresses a willingness to undertake a service. Volunteers are seen providing assistance, partnering in our efforts to bring awareness and education about the impact of child abuse in our community and beyond. 

The current estimated value of a volunteer as of July 2020 is $27.20. According to Independent Sector, a non-profit who researches information connected to volunteer service. In the United States, there are 63 million volunteers who are serving throughout the country to assist their neighbors and communities by providing their expertise and time. They are impacting communities in valuable ways. 

Year after year, the Child Advocacy Center, is very grateful for the many ways that members of our community come along side of us and partner to make a brighter future for the children we serve. If you have thought about investing your knowledge, time, and energy into volunteering we hope you will consider looking at the Child Advocacy Center. 

V is for the Very special people that you are
O is for the Overwhelming support & compassion you offer others during their time of need
L is for the Little things you do that make such a difference in someone's life
U is for the Unspoken words that sometimes mean just as much
N is for the Need you fill when others aren't able
T is for the Time you give of yourselves on top of your own busy schedules
E is for the Emotional support you continually give
E is also for the Endless energy you all seem to possess
R is for the Responsibility you have taken on & never once complained