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Volunteer Spotlight - David Runkle & Quinn

Volunteer Spotlight - Cecile Grifin

Volunteering is a gift of the heart in so many respects. Cecile Grifin is definitely one of the Child Advocacy Center’s volunteers who has a heart for providing support to the work of the CAC.

Cecile has been volunteering at the CAC since her retirement in 2015. She shares that she passed by the CAC on a daily pass as she would drive to and from work. She decided to research what the CAC did. After researching, she knew that this was just what she was looking for.

Volunteering can bring about its own set of challenges. Cecile has found herself trying to calm her nerves as she heads out to a preschool class to lead them in a body safety class. Teaching some of our youngest citizens about their body. But even mixed in with the uneasiness of something that can be a sensitive topic, she finds that volunteering time brings her a sense of pride knowing that she is doing something to help others, a young child (ren), to understand how to recognize when they are not feeling comfortable.

When asked how she feels about the CAC, Cecile states, “Volunteering helps you get outside of yourself and gives you a sense of pride in knowing you’re doing something to help others and help your community. The CAC is special to me because of the work they do to help so many children that are being abused in our community.” She is grateful that the children are given a chance to be heard, and to help their families cope with the trauma and navigate the system to find the help and healing they need.

Cecile has been volunteering with the CAC since 2015. She, along with a few other volunteers, can be found towards the end of November decking the ‘halls’ of the CAC and filling it with lots of cheer for the holiday season. The CAC is grateful for her creative eye and intricate detail that delivers beautiful décor.

When asked what she enjoys about volunteering, Cecile says, “Volunteering with the CAC is my first experience of volunteering. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the people that I work with.”

Cecile, is also, involved at her local church, Village Baptist Church and volunteers in whatever capacity she is needed.