Cathy White entered the world of volunteering for the CAC through having other non-profit fundraising experience. She specifically has worked with Auctions—both in person and online. Her experience brought her to be a part of the Pinwheel Masquerade Ball & Auction planning committee. Over the year Cathy has volunteered with many animal rescues and currently volunteers with It Takes a Village Rescue NC.
From about May – October, you can find Cathy work diligently on the Live and Silent Auction for the PMBA. She manages all the donated items as they come in. This past year she helped us go online with an online platform for our silent Auction. When asked what brings her the most joy or fulfillment through her volunteer work she stated, “Is at the end of the PMBA season when I see how all the hard work, committee meetings, putting auction packages together then to see the final result of the guest attendees coming in donning their masks, beautiful dresses and tuxes, etc. I see the excitement on people’s faces to be a part of something that supports the children in our community.”
Cathy shared that she feels that everyone needs to volunteer. Giving back to the community through their church, community and local shelter, etc. is of utmost importance. Cathy states, “If everyone took a small portion of their time to volunteer for something that held a special place in their heart, they have no idea what a difference it can make. Not only to the organization, but also to them, it gives you a sense of fulfillment and happiness.”
Cathy states that the amount of work that the volunteers and staff put in to make the fundraisers a success if unbelievable. Each team work extremely hard to ensure that monies are raised to support the work that the CAC is doing in our community to support children who have been, at no fault of their own, impacted by abuse in some fashion.
Not only does Cathy volunteer with the CAC, but she can be found volunteering with It Takes a Village Rescue NC and at her local church, Lafayette Baptist Church.