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Volunteer Spotlight - David Runkle & Quinn

Volunteer Spotlight: David Runkle

Therapy Dog Handlers are one of the many treasures at the Child Advocacy Center. David Runkle is one of those treasured handlers. He began volunteering with his Therapy Dog, Quinn, in March of 2023. He loves to come in with Quinn and visit the staff before he heads into the family room with a family that has come. The staff love to see him coming. Often, Quinn and our other therapy dogs, can add a smile and lessen the stress of the day as the staff take a break to greet the dog.

David sees volunteering as part of his responsibility to give back to his community. He shares that he wants to a difference for others in what he does by helping those who are vulnerable.

He does just that by helping elevate anxieties that the child and/or family may have.

No day is the same at the CAC. That is even true for our volunteers. David shares about a specific visit He and Quinn came to the CAC to support a family who a child was about to experience a forensic interview. Here is the story in David’s words, “Every visit is unique, but I do remember one when a young girl was visiting with her parents and you could really feel the tension in the room as they waited for the girl’s interview. Quinn proceeded to get up and kind of forced her way in between the table and the sofa to get to the little girl and rested her head on the little girl’s lap. She began to pet Quinn. As she did, you could feel the anxiety leave the room. The girl and her parents all began to relax and engage in conversation. Dogs feel empathy and seem to know how to respond. It was pretty amazing!”

David shares that he is challenged with patience regularly. He understands that things that are unspeakable happen to children and their families. But he notes how frustrating it is knowing that he cannot change that.

As David finishes a visit to the CAC, most days he feels good about what he and Quinn have brought to a child and family that have walked through a difficult, dark time in their life. He encourages anyone to step out of their comfort zone and volunteer at the CAC. What you receive back is far more greater, according to David.

David can also be found volunteering his time with Boys Scouts, Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs, and his local church, Saint James Lutheran Church.